Typically, there are three types of websites most often encountered online: Informational websites, Blog websites, and E-Commerce websites. In this article, we will provide recommendations to steer you in the right direction and point out the features you should have for each of these websites. Our goal here is to dive deeper to selectively show […]

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1. Convenience – E-commerce is incredibly convenient for both your business and its customers. Oftentimes customers are not likely to travel to your store if they must travel a longer distance, which causes you to lose business. When your business is accessible by the click of a mouse, however, customers are able to make purchases […]

The solution I would like to point out here is an Affiliate/Sponsorship Program which you can use to raise funding for your website development and digital marketing projects. This program can include: Banner Advertisements, Sponsorship Ads and Referral Backlinks, where business sponsors (those that sell products and services complementing to yours) benefit from your website […]

First, in order for people to stick around your website long enough to make a purchase, they have to like your website. Which means the customers’ first impression of you through the website is extremely important. Therefore, you should custom design a professional website that has a theme and style that complements what you sell. […]

1. Some still doubt the positive results that Internet marketing can deliver. Although a majority of consumers depend on the Internet more and more every day for work, shopping, socializing, etc., a number of businesses are still in doubt about how big a difference Internet marketing can make on their business’s bottom line. These businesses have […]

Identify and reassess your primary sources of business leads Today, businesses busy with their day-to-day operations often forget to ask themselves this critical question: “What are the primary sources of my business leads and how long will they last?” This question is important because it will help you identify the main sources which are responsible […]

One, to make things easy for yourself, you’ll want to look for web design companies that provide full web services, including: web design, web hosting, online marketing/SEO, and website maintenance. This means that one company will be responsible for all of your website needs so you don’t have to be the “middle person” trying to […]

Starting off, you’ll want to know what each of these terms mean: Keywords, Google’s Page-One ranking (organically), and Conversion Rate: Keywords are the words or phrases used by people when they search for businesses like yours on search engines such as Google and Bing. Thus, choosing the most appropriate and frequently used keywords (by your […]

In the last few years, mobile devices have boosted online communication and usage to a new level. From checking emails to buying online, from chatting on social media to using GPS, today a smartphone is no longer just a phone; it is a mini-hand-held computer that enables people to access the internet anywhere, anytime. The […]

1. What do the letters SEO stand for, and what is the purpose of SEO? SEO is short for Search Engines Optimization. SEO involves improving the likelihood that your website will show up high on the list when users do a search on a site like Google.com, Yahoo.com or Bing.com. 2. What is a Keyword? […]